A Class of Excellence - 6E

Monday, March 20, 2006

~~ The 1 week holiday! ~~

Did you had fun during the 1 week holiday? What did you do during the holidays?

Dear class,

Short Cut To Blogger.COM

Today Is The First Day Of Term 2 , So I Wish All Good Luck.

Posted By : Marcus Tan

Dear class,

Go to Blogskins to check out some of your favourite backgrounds and post your preferred blog skin in the comments.

Miss Elise Yu

Great Explorers Website

Check out this website on Explorers.

Click this for the timeline of exploration as well as more information on certain explorers.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

MUFTI DAY Report - Fantasia

How are all of you?

I hope that all of u are fine.

How was Mufti Day?Did all of u have fun?

How do all of u feel?To me,it was fine.

(or u may disagree with me)

How do all of u think that we could improve Mufti Day?

Please write your suggestion at the comment

I wish all of u HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

Reported by:
Nathaniel neo

Pictures are coming up...stay tuned!

Friday, March 10, 2006

Exams are finnally over and holidays are here u are u guys happy?Well i am.

And i wish u a Happy Holiday!

Wong Duan Chiang


Today,i saw two person trying to steal a motorcycle!When i saw them,they were trying to pick the lock.at that time,i do not have 10 cents to call the police and i have no handphone.WHAT SHOULD I DO!i feel verybad seeing them do it without stopping them.i wanted to stop them i am outnumbered and they have a bag full of screwdrivers and stuff.please tell mi,WHAT SHOULD I DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Eumund Tan

Thursday, March 09, 2006

What to do in class today

Hi dears,

Sorry I am not well enough to make it to school today. Having an extremely bad headache.
Please pass on these instructions to your relief teacher in case he/she did not get my message.

1) Class to do listening comprehension Lesson 1. CD and teacher's book are in a red folder at the side of my table labelled in the English compartment.

2) Check answers with green pen.

3) If time permits, continue with Lesson 2.

Class>> 1) Please pass the MUFTI day money to Carissa or Hui Min today if you have not done so.
2) Bring a hard backing and pencil (stationery) for comic-drawing lessons tomorrow.

3) No lessons tomorrow but bring your trusty handbook, pencil case and a book for silent reading.

Be good and have a good day!

Miss Elise Yu

Sunday, March 05, 2006

ThE ExAm aRe HeRe!!!!

Hi all :D
How are u?
The EXAMS are here
I hope that all of u would do
For your EXAM
Nathaniel neo

Friday, March 03, 2006

Examinations - Do we really need them?

Hi dear class,

The topic of discussion this week is : Are examinations necessary? Can we do without them?
Post your view/stand (for or against) using the Comments link.

Looking forward to read your opinions.

Meanwhile, study smart! Do your best and God will do the rest! =)

Miss Elise Yu

PS: Remember to put your name after every post and comments made in this blog. =)

Lindsay Lohan

Hi! Any one know who is lindsay??? Todays examinations are tough! Pray tommorow would be better!!! No homework! YEAH!!!!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Adults say that homework helps......... But i dont agree. They say practice makes perfect, but sometimes i dont agree. Im sick of homework! too much of it makes me sick!