A Class of Excellence - 6E

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Dear class,

I do apologise for not being able to be there for a month. I actually went for an operation and needed time to recuperate. It was quite sudden and I didn't know how to prepare you. Rest assured that you are in good hands and be sure to listen to the new teacher till I get back. I will be checking this blog regularly so if you need anything, you may add in your comments or use the chat board. Continue to do your best in your work and be on your best behaviour. These will be a great help to me. Will be missing you till I get back.

God bless!

Miss Yu


  • dear ms yu, do rest well.
    miss u.....

    By Blogger Carissa, at 3:04 PM  

  • cheers...

    By Blogger Carissa, at 5:10 PM  

  • Dear ms yu, do take care.
    frome yeeteng

    By Blogger Maplesea, at 2:05 PM  

  • dun worry....rest well miss yu...we will make sure that every thing goes well in school!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:54 PM  

  • Yeah Miss yu.....Everything in schools gona b fine.....so dnt worry n hav lots of rest!!!!!!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:37 PM  

  • yeah, i agree wif wat joey and irene had said.

    By Blogger Carissa, at 3:05 PM  

  • Seriously,carissa, was tht a compliment??????BLEHX....

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:20 PM  

  • Ms Yu , we are missing you!!! :sad:

    siang ying

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:57 AM  

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