A Class of Excellence - 6E

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Take the City Walk

Hi class,

I will be taking part in this walk for charity and hope you can join me to make a stand and do our part to help. The beneficiary is TOUCH Community Services.

Here are some details for the walk...
Date: 29th July 2006 (Saturday)
Time:7 - 11am
Venue: The Padang
You can read more about it at this website.

Let me know if you can make it. I can bring you from Tampines in the morning if your parents are busy. It is all for a good cause so do join me!

Miss Yu


  • thanks...
    i got high chances of going as my parents just keep on asking for details...

    thanks for the info...
    i will inform my parents about it...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:27 PM  

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