A Class of Excellence - 6E

Friday, April 07, 2006

blog commitee

blog commitee pupils here we shall use

the post to discuss the roll we should take pls

leave down your comments =)


  • hi blog pupil so what roll you want to be

    By Blogger WTf-eMo-kiA-Xd, at 4:21 PM  

  • me too

    By Blogger WTf-eMo-kiA-Xd, at 6:57 PM  

  • I think I cant go to the blog comitee on 21-4(after good Friday week)...so sad I miss it!=(
    -Hui Min

    By Blogger Elise, at 6:31 PM  

  • LOL.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:24 AM  

  • I would liketo be a photoghrapher!


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:02 PM  

  • I want to be a reporter!!

    Tan Siang Ying

    By Blogger Elise, at 7:26 PM  

  • I want to be a reporter because I
    can report interesting news to our class.

    Tan Siang Yingvxcd

    By Blogger Elise, at 7:30 PM  

  • opps!i accidentally pressed on some letters behind my name in my previous comment!!!

    Tan Siang Ying

    By Blogger Elise, at 7:33 PM  

  • Hi Everyone ! (:

    By Blogger YLSeah, at 10:32 AM  

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